Tuesday 2 September 2008

Google Chrome

Okay I don't know if this has been a secret until today, or if I am just completely out of the loop. Well I guess, how exciting can a browser really be? But OMG, this Google Chrome is freaking cool.

Download it now and use it.
Read the really cool comic to learn more.

Seriously it rocks. And it's fast. Download it!

I've always used Internet Explorer to be honest. It's easy to access, I'm familiar with the icon, and it starts faster than any other browser I tried on my system. I did at one point toy with Firefox after all the hype, but it starts slower than IE on my machine. And I use the internet for work, if I need to go to wiki to look something up, or more commonly visit MSDN or one of the Microsoft blogs I just want to go there. But IE7 is a bloat monster and it's hardly stable. And the fact IE7 screwed over the Google toolbar, which was the most convenient way to search pages, really pissed me off. I don't blame Google for wanting to write a browser just to get back at them. And there were so many things IE7 did that were stupid. But I can't deny, IE7 was always there when I clicked the button. And some things you have to live with. Don't you?

But I read the Chrome comic and I instantly though this sounded great. So I've been sitting here all night just hitting F5 waiting for the Chrome download to be brought live again. It installed in less than a minute. It looks uncluttered. It's blindingly fast. Okay there are a couple things that don't look quite right, My Ebay is barely readable as the text is too small and some other websites only rendered the toolbar and no page, which a refresh fixed. But there's only a couple of things it did a bit strange and so many things it does right. Straight out of the box.

Holy crap and it's spell checking in blogger for me, cos I don't spell too good always that's a mighty fine feature!

Did I mention incognito mode?

I tell you, IE8 will have to be pretty freaking good to compete with this.

1 comment:

GwynF said...

Yep, it's a bit special...