Wednesday 20 August 2008

Kitten Claws

We have 6 kittens.

We never chose to have so many, and we would prefer not to have so many. It's very expensive to buy food, vet bills etc, and with so many bottoms it's very smelly work cleaning up the mess. But we adopted a feral cat who became pregant before we were able to get her to the vets, so now we are inundated with her kittens. A huge litter. It was actually 7 in total, but we've only managed to get rid of one.

Although they are very affectionate, our kittens have very sharp claws, and each has 5 claws on each of 4 paws. Usually it's not a problem, perhaps they'll pad on your face in bed, or pad on your legs occasionally, but usually it's manageable. But they've developed an annoying habit of jumping on things, including people. If I am in my chair, I have to be careful if my arm is on the arm rest because they will jump up, with claws extended. Or they'll bypass the arm of the chair altoghter and try to jump directly onto my shoulder from the floor. Or *shudders* they'll wait until the morning when I'm just wearing my boxer shorts and I'll go downstairs to feed them breakfast and they'll try to jump onto my back - my naked back!

About 10 minutes ago I was just downstairs, and Pixie was upstairs doing something. I called to her to ask a question, and I stood at the bottom of the stairs talking to her at the top. About half way up the stairs, about in line with my head, was a kitten. I noticed the kitten shift position slightly. As if it was preparing to jump. To jump down the stairs. Or rather to jump across to the other object that a few feet away at about the same height. To the flesh coloured object that was making a strange sort of talking noise.

The next thing I saw was a kitten flying through mid air, legs out, claws extended, straight for my face. Now I know what they must have gone through in Aliens.

Perhaps we feed our kittens too much, perhaps we should add valium to their feed to calm them down a bit.

Tune in next week, for "When kittens attack!"

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