Saturday 2 August 2008

Taunton Flower Show - Day 2

Originally uploaded by Nostromoo
Today was a much nicer day. When I became a member of the flower show they sent a letter asking for volunteers. I thought I'd give it a go, it's only 2 hours after all and Saturday I had no plans anyway. So I figured I'd offer my help.

For some reason I got put down for two shifts though, even though I had asked for only one. Still, didn't really matter I guess, and I'm not one to rock the boat and complain, I always prefer to do it just to spite them and then moan about it to friends and family.

So I turned up at 8:30am and made my way to the Ash Medows field where I would be helping. There I met Derek and Dave the two senior stewards, and received my fluorescent "Steward" jacket. Let's park some cars!

It was probably more exciting sounding then it really was. I stood at the end of one row, a car came towards me, I pointed to Dave and he guided it into a space. Rinse and repeat. It wasn't event hat busy, mostly the traders parking up before the 10am opening. From about 9am to 10am we had some really heave rain, but Mike and Linda were kind enough to lend me a spare umbrella. About the only excitement was when we had a rush of cars, I believe it was 4, one had a trailer so Mike and Linda helped him park over by the hedge out of the way, Dave took another to a space up the row and the last car, a lady with a bad leg, wanted to park closer to the exit. I took an executive desicion to start a new row and parked her there.

At about 10:40 two ladies relieving us Velma and Margaret arrived early so seeing as I'd started early myself, they took over and I was able to go watch the lumberjacks in the main arena. Sorry, I meant axe men. Or where they log men? Or forresters? I never did understand why they didn't like to be called lumberjacks. But it was well worth it - a fantastic display of, well, using axes. Or and a big saw. And then Pixie turned up having rode the bus in, and we went for lunch.

Obviously my previous moxie (earlier initiative) proved successful and upon my return for my second shift I was promoted to senior steward, got a new tabbard and a radio! Some people might just say this was because Dave wanted to go for a break, but I know the truth. And for that half hour Sue had to do my every bidding because she was just a Steward.

I really should have abused my position and at least sent her off to get me a cup of coffee before Dave came back, because I then lost the precious senior steward tabbard, and was demoted back to steward. At least I got to keep the radio.

But it didn't matter because by then the sun was out and it was hot and lovely.

So I worked another hour and a half until 5pm, then headed off to the arena, as the show was closed down, to retrieve my pictures. Failure had earlier left me bereft, but today was a nice day.

But after 4 and a half hours my feet are sore and I need a shower.

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