Thursday 7 August 2008

I could be who?

40 Commando Royal Marines
Originally uploaded by Nostromoo
On Thursday the 31st of July, 40 Commando Royal Marines exercised their right to parade through Taunton town center. This happened at lunch time so I took an early lunch and went out to watch, and see if I could get a few pictures.

It was a fantastic parade, with thousands of people lining the streets and I got some great images. Well great for my standards anyway. I posted them up on flickr and managed to get nearly 500 hits in one day!

So come Tuesday I figured I could snd my photos into the local newspaper, surely they would have a page for readers images right?

Well sadly it turned out that Tuesday was too late as they had already layed out the Marines page, but the lady promised she would forward my images to the sub editor, although it was unlikely they would use them. She could however add them to the website if I liked. On Wednesday however, I got a curious email from the gazette telling me one of my images "was on the front." On the front of what? Surely not the paper? Surely you just mean "home page" right?

Hold the front page!
Anyway, come Thursday morning I stoppped of at the paper shop on the way into work, and low and behold, front page!

Well this was fantastic news. So I bought two copies, one to read and one to be copied by monks onto high quality archive paper, then covered in clear resin, dried, smoothed and locked in a climate controlled bomb proof safe. My partner sent the image to her parents, who evidentally were also quite impressed. I saw Pixie after work, all bright faced, saying her parents said I "could be the next David Bellamy!"

David Bellamy

Thank you, I think.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

:) How very exciting! Congratulations!